CO2-saving lightweight solutions on the next generation battery housing demonstrator - Subproject: Plasma fictionalization and scaling of tolerance-compensating heat-conducting mats.
The project focuses on new lightweight materials and technologies. The evaluation of CO2 savings is carried out over the entire duration of the project, which means that even in the phase of product design, development is targeted with the focus on reducing climate and environmental impact. New design techniques and variants, such as combining and relocating thermal and mechanical functionalities, serve to reduce manufacturing effort and system mass. Both the CO2 reduction via integral manufacturing processes and during the use phase as a result of mass reduction provide a contribution to the promotional policy goal of greenhouse gas reduction.
Research is being conducted into new materials such as thermally activated intumescent fire-protection coatings, epoxy resin tapes specially developed for the tape-laying process and tolerance-compensating heat-conducting mats, new integral manufacturing technologies such as the production of aluminum foam sandwiches with integrated cooling structures, the integration of cooling channels into load-bearing structures by casting, and new design techniques that combine these materials and technologies in a resource-efficient and application-oriented manner, e.g., the use of new materials in the production of aluminum foam sandwiches. through load-path optimized fiber composites and topology optimization.
Funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy based on a resolution of the German Parliament